American Girl dolls were a part of all our childhoods. And if we’re being honest, nostalgia is one of the only things getting us through these tough times. For a daily trip down memory lane, here are 5 AMAZING American Girl photographers on Instagram that will have you inspired and reminiscing on the good ol’ days every time you refresh your feed.
1. @5hensandacockatiel
Sydney from @5hensandacockatiel is one of my all time favorite American Girl doll photographers. Not only is she the sweetest person ever, she has a great love for historical films and period dramas, which is quite evident through her work. Some of my favorite photos by her are the ones she’s recreated from American Girl book illustrations, like this one from Kirsten Saves the Day. The first time I saw it, I did a double-take because I genuinely thought it was the illustration. She’s crazy good!
Sydney often shares behind the scenes videos and photos of her and her mom (5hensmo) working together on various shoots. It’s incredible seeing all the details and work Sydney and her mom put into individual scenes. Nothing goes unnoticed!
Sydney also has an Etsy shop where she sells #AGIG merch along with calendars, prints and postcards of her original photography.
Where to find Sydney:
2. @karaleels
Karalee from @karaleels is another one of my favorite American Girl photographers. Her editing style is so unique, and the way she brings out various colors in her photographs brings a sense of magic into her images.
Karalee is a master of lighting and utilizing Photoshop to create colorful spreads! In another photo she has on her Instagram, she uses Photoshop and perspective to create the illusion of an empty classroom with just one doll-sized desk. Pretty crazy, huh?
On occasion, Karalee shares screen-recorded videos of her Lightroom editing workflow to her Youtube channel. I personally have learned a lot from her videos, and have applied her creative uses of the radial filters to my own photographs.
Karalee also has a collection of American Girl themed designs available through RedBubble, available for order in the form of stickers, pins, stationary and more.
Where to find Karalee:
3. @agjitters
Andrea from @agjitters started her Instagram in 2017 but received her first doll in 2007 and had been making videos for years before she started on AG Youtube 5 years ago. Andrea is best known on AGIG for her creative photoshoots with references to pop culture. My newest favorite is her recreation of the Strawberry Shortcake squad from the early/mid 2000’s. So so cute!
Andrea is also amazingly creative on AGTube as well. I’m obsessed with her video “lofi beats to relax to but it’s american girl version” which plays popular songs from American Girl movies, online games, iconic AGTube videos, and more, all to a looping stopmotion of her JLY4 studying at a desk. ADORABLE.
Where to find Andrea:
Instagram (behind the scenes):
4. @mary.potts92
Mary is an adult collector and photographer on AGIG with a love for American Girl characters! Her themed photoshoots are bound to give you a healthy dose of nostalgia. She covers the Girl of the Year dolls, Historical Characters, and posts seasonal shoots year round.
The miniature scenes Mary creates go along with the stories of each character. Below is one of her photos from a shoot with Melody Ellison and Truly Me #77 as Melody’s brother, Dwayne.
Where to find Mary:
5. @northwestdolls
Amy from @northwestdolls is a photographer and seamstress on AGIG, and I’m obsessed with all of her doll outfits. I would steal them for my dolls (and myself) if I could, haha!
Amy utilizes neutrals and natural greens in her sewing and photography. Looking at her account is like a breath of fresh air. I absolutely love how she keeps things natural and fun with touches of greenery, fun mix and match outfits, and cute hairstyles on her dolls. (Also you may be tempted to purchase Nanea after viewing her account, so continue at your own risk)
Where to find Amy:
Honorable mention: @samantha_in_quarantine
No other account on Instagram has made me laugh harder than Samantha’s account. She’s a true icon.
If you love the original historical characters (and a good laugh) this account is for you. Samantha posts good-humored pandemic related content and the latest memes – American Girl style!
Samantha’s knowledge of the original books and storylines is quite impressive. She hints at different story details in all of her captions. But then again.. I guess she *is* Samantha. ;)
Where to find Samantha in Quarantine:

Great post, I LOVE Sydney’s work, she’s amazing. Also fun to see a few I’m not familiar with, I will have to check them out.
i’m glad you enjoyed, flo! sydney’s photos are phenomenal!