It looks like American Girl has started sending out the new January 2022 catalogs! I found these photos circling social media this morning, highlighting Girl of the Year 2022, Corinne Tan and her little sister Gwynn. I am OBSESSED with these!

My favorite has to be the cover. The way Corinne is mid-stride with her hair flowing behind really makes this a fun photo to look at! And Gwynn? Adorable. I love them together!

If you zoom in you can see all the details and items for the Ski & Snack Shop set. The little bakery case is super cute.

I’m loving how this scene highlights Gwynn and her ice skating endeavors!

It looks like the bedroom set folds up and also serves as a ski slope with a mountain background!

That boba tea… 👀
Those are all the photos for now! I don’t know the original owner of these images, so if you come across them or know who it is, please let me know so I can credit them.
Which Corinne or Gwynn photo is your fav? :)
This is so cool! I had no idea about the folding thing! Thanks for sharing!
AHHHHHH!!! I am overly excited about this!! My fav would be the boba tea…or the one with the “Rocky Mountain Dreaming” headline.
Unrelated note; hi!! I’m so glad to know you’re back, I’ve been reading this blog since 2019 right around when you left and wondered where you went to after that…anyway, just to say, I love your blog!!
both of those are so cute!! :) thank you so much for being here and commenting!! it means so much to me. 💛 i can’t wait to continue making content for you to enjoy! :)
I haven’t bought an AG doll in years, but I am severely tempted by Corinne and Gwynn! I absolutely love that they gave Corrine a little sister that you’re actually able to purchase, and all their stuff is just the cutest ever.
I love the picture of Gwynn and Corinne sitting down with hot chocolate and the firepit! Its so cute!
I’m SO looking forward to getting this in the mail! :)
Thanks for the Sneek-Peek!
– SDBW Fan
(Small Dolls in a Big World)
Corinne and Gwynn are so cute!!!!!