Tawts may-we, my friends! It’s me, Kaya. I hope you’re all doing well and in good health during these cold months!

This morning on my way to the stream, I saw several flurries in the air. The ground is already frozen, so it should snow any day now! It’s wonderful waking up to a world covered in snow.. especially when the sun is shining and the ground sparkles!

The cold weather and whistling wind remind me that the longest day of the year is approaching, and with it, our celebration for the new year. How wonderful it is to be together with family and friends and thank Hun-ya-wat for the blessings we have!

One of my favorite things about our celebrations is the music. The drums are so powerful, and when the men beat them, the sounds echo across the valley. I always feel like dancing. My feet can never stay still!

There’s much work to be done to prepare for our guests, so I should probably head back to camp.
I’m so glad we got to spend this time together! I pray that however you spend this holiday season, you will be filled with joy and peace.
Stay warm, my friend!
Kaya’ aton’ my’
Beautiful photos!
thank you!! :)
Awww! Kaya, you look lovely!
I love all of these photos! Kaya is so pretty!
thank you so much, jaffa! :)
These pictures are so pretty! Kaya is beautiful.
isn’t she? thank you vivianne! :)
These photos are beautiful! Kaya is such a pretty doll.
thank you so much, diamond! :)
These photos were so cute! Kaya is adorable!