Mini Kaya’s Tuesday Travels

Hello, and welcome back to Mini Kaya’s Tuesday Travels, where I, Mini Kaya, explore the wonders of the world. Or maybe just the backyard, but it seems like the whole world from my point of view.

The horse and teepee I found last week were so amazing, I couldn’t stop hanging around them, and I spent almost the whole last week riding my horse and living in my teepee. Ah… Life is wonderful in the outdoors!

Today was one of the worst days to go exploring, it was so hot out, my skin could melt! But I didn’t want to upset my adoring fans, so here I am! The first thing I did was climb a tree. The trees that grow here are so huge! It took me an hour to get up to the first branch. But at least it was a lot cooler up there.Mini Kaya climbing

I liked being up high enough for the wind to blow through my braids. I also liked having something stable to hold onto. (Unlike my last experience with the huge metal line in the ground.) I climbed higher and met a big, green caterpillar. I can understand caterpillar body language pretty well. He told me to get out of his tree or he’d make me pay him a fee. Now, you must understand that I am not a very wealthy mini doll. We mini dolls have it pretty tough. In fact, I’m penniless. I’ve only got some dirty shells. And they won’t even buy me a single ice-cream cone. Waaa….!

Back to exploring, I went up higher and higher, ignoring the caterpillars’ warnings.

Mini Kaya high up

Boy, the wind up here sure is strong! Mommy said it was just a breeze, but I’m pretty sure a hurricane was about to happen. The tree shook fiercely and I almost fell out, but Mommy caught me.Mini Kaya caught

She set me on the ground, and I strained myself not to kiss the ground. I knew I could always kiss the dirt, but who knows if dirt is hot? Besides, my moccasins had started burning and that was a pretty good indication that the ground was not the right condition for welcome-back kisses.

Then I saw a big orange creature, almost as big as my big sisters. I followed it to see what it would do. Who knows? I could have a whole new rodeo experience.Mini Kaya's monster

Come back next Tuesday to see Kaya’s pursuit of the orange creature.

– Mini Kaya and Catlover02

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