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The day we’ve all been waiting for is finally here! The stock image of Gabriela McBride was leaked last night!!


Gabriela’s outfit will consist of a teal tank top, a purple crop top with a “dream” graphic, jeggings, and purple shoes, and a pink headband.

From this picture, I think it is safe to assume that Gabriela looks exactly like Truly Me #46, but she looks to me like she has a new type of eyebrows, and possibly glassy lips. I will need close up photos to know for sure. Though she is cute, I’m not doing to buy her since I already have #46. Also, her outfit is pretty basic. But I am interested to read her books though!

What do you guys think of Gabriela’s stock image?

– American Girl Doll Artist

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48 comments on “Girl of the Year 2017 Gabriela McBride Full Image Leaked

  1. Thanks so much for sharing! I don’t know if we will get her yet or not. She does not really wow me. I don’t care for her meet outfit either. I also want to see what Tenney looks like first. My daughter and I are anxiously awaiting for Felicity’s big reveal too. We have an older Felicity, but I may want to get the newer version as well.

  2. At first I didn’t want her, but she’s really grown on me. I just don’t like her personality, but that’s easy to change. On the other hand, I really want Tenney Grant…..but I don’t like her lip color….maybe I’ll get Tenney and do a custom and replace her head. Decisions….decisions….

  3. Cute, but you’re right, she is super similar to 46! Maybe her curls will be bigger? This is kind of random, but I hope that her top is two layers, and not one sown to look like two! I’m not planning on getting her. :-)

  4. Gabby, er, I mean #46, looks pretty cute! I love the fact that there is finally an African American GOTY like many people had asked for, but I don’t think she will sell well. Her story is like a mix of Isabelle, Saige, and even McKenna.The doll has been re-used, and why couldn’t there have been a unique feature to make her stand out? She is exactly like Melody but with curlier hair, and Melody just debuted not too long ago. However I am excited to see what her collection will be! :) Hopefully some modern tap outfits and dance gear?

    I don’t know if you saw the photo on Instagram, but her Meet Outfit is just like the one of a Made To Move Barbie. XD It makes since though, since Barbie and American Girl are run by Mattel. ;)

  5. I like Gabby, but she does look A LOT like your Jamie. 😬😬I’m not getting her, but I think she’ll fly off the shelves, especially for those who missed Marisol and Isabelle!

  6. I’m not soooo surprised with her but I still want her !!! She is pretty!! And lucky enough I don’t have #46 , But I’m disappointed because of AG’s low creativity level on the making of the FIRST DOC GOTY , But I still want her. Still her outfit is pretty…as you said , basic !! But at least you can mix-and-match . Anyways, I still want her !! Hey!! Can you please make a closeup of Gabby’s face??? I can’t really spot her eyebrows!!😘😜😜😂😂

  7. Pretty disappointed she’s identical to 46, whom we could have bought any time already. Which other GOTY is actually a Truly Me/Just Like You doll? Have Melody and Sonali, so won’t be getting her, as if I had been going to get TM 46, would have done so already. Don’t mind the outfit, but it’s not a wow.

  8. I’m not really sure if I’ll get her. I love the doll, she’s SUPER pretty. (It’s funny, my dog is named Gabby. )

  9. OMG. Gabriela is so adorable. I really love the fact that we finally have a girl of the year who is an African-American. I also really love the fact that she’s very similar to me. She loves to tap dance, she loves poetry, and she stands up to herself to something she believes in when it comes to theatre arts. I do the exact same thing. I’m diagnosed with epilepsy and I do stutter as well. But that still doesn’t mean I can’t stand up to what I believe in when it comes to theatre arts as well. Fantastic job, American Girl. I am so getting Gabriela when she makes her debut.

  10. Wow…. it’s pretty bad that the majority of people that took the poll said they weren’t going to buy her…. that’s including me

  11. As far as I’ve heard, gabby is not going to have a movie. I’m guessing this is because they are making a movie for tenney.

  12. She’s cute, and though I’ve been waiting FOREVER for an african american girl of the year with hair like mine, I’m a little disappointed by her. There are rumors that she’s going to be a dancer, but like, really? ANOTHER dancer? As if we haven’t had enough with the dancers and figure skaters. Why couldn’t she be a writer? I would have loved to see a girl who is curious like Kit, confident like Rebecca, kind like Josefina, and investigative like Caroline. I feel like the whole dancer thing is a little over done.

  13. Mmm… she doesn’t come with any extra item? Like Isabelle had the pink hair, Grace had the bracelet, Lea had a purse and compass…. I don’t see her special item…

  14. I’m glad now I bought Lea for my daughter! I almost waited for the 2017 Doll of the year!! This was is disappointing but I’m not surprised at all now that Mattel took over the brand! What is ironic is we no love have a black president and Gabby Douglous did horrible in this past Olympics! Not a good call Mattel!! You are going to lose out big time this year! We have collected almost every Doll of the year since 2007

    • I really like the new American Girl doll Gabriella McBride because she’s my favorite doll in the whole world and I love her very much and it would be nice if I could add her to my collection so that she can be with all of my other girls that are standing on my dresser at home!