Small Dolls in a Big World – Now on Pinterest!

I’ve always been a fan of Pinterest. In my opinion, it’s one of the less-toxic forms of social media. It’s so fun to look at pretty photos and find ones that match your aesthetic, outfits you’d like to wear someday, and tips for finding good GIFS for your Instagram stories. :) I’ve used Pinterest for years and it’s contributed to my fashion sense, art skills, and overall aesthetic. I love finding and making boards that embody what I’m feeling or the things I like at any given time. It’s always changing, and I’m always making new boards. That’s part of the fun!

So in honor of coming back to my blog, I decided to start a Small Dolls in a Big World Pinterest! My sister, Dacey, and I have already made several boards with aesthetics matching our own dolls and their personalities, along with several others matching the personalities and stories of the historical characters and Girl of the Year dolls. I’ll be sharing my favorite American Girl doll photography, doll room setups, and other crafts I find along the way.

If you’d like to give us a follow, that would be wonderful! And if not, that’s okay too. :)

You can click the “Pinterest” widget on the sidebar, the little Pinterest icon on the top of the page, or just search Small Dolls in a Big World at!

Much love, Dara

P.S. The “Meet the Dolls” page has been updated with several new friends! Go check out the page and see if you can find them all. The new dolls will be making some appearances here on the blog soon, so stay tuned! :)

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5 comments on “Small Dolls in a Big World – Now on Pinterest!

  1. Oh how fun! I’ve been on Pinterest from almost the beginning and just love it for design inspirations and finding new things to try! Just followed too!